Pinky Paradise Lenses (Brings me back to my youth ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

 Hi everyone!

 I recently decided to order some yearly lenses from Pinky Paradise. This post isn't sponsored, just my honest review of what I got!

 I went with some classics I used to wear in my 20s as I wanted to try them out again and see what kinds of looks I could pull now that I'm in my prime in my 30s lol 

 The first ones I tried out again were the Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green (Bambi Series). 

These were my go to lenses for a long time as they're super enlarging and vivid. They were more comfortable now than I remember them being back then! But still a bit uncomfortable, I think that just comes with the size of the lenses. I did pretty simple makeup for this look, I think my hair was the best part! I've always been a fan of these and I think I still am. Looks a little alien, but is that not the point? haha

The next I tried are the Princess Pinky Sensual Grey. 

I used to wear these quite a bit back in the day as well! I forgot to get a pic on my digital camera for this one. I love these lenses as they lighten my eyes quite a lot and are a very nice shade of grey. I did simple makeup with this look as well, just some brown eyeshadow. I am happy I got these again!


Next we have EOS Fairy Violet. I remember buying these once before and liking them a lot! I like them now as well. Comfortable and very vivid. I liked doing a toned down look with these ones as they were nice enough on their own so I went without eye makeup. Very happy with these and excited to do more looks with them!

 Next is EOS New Adult Red, which are fucking fantastic! I love these lenses a lot and I feel they really complimented this look. I did some highlight on my inner corner and brown on the outer corner. Big big fan of how I did my hair as well. This was my look for my Fiance and I's valentines date <3. 10/10 excited to wear these lenses again. I'll do more of a vkei look with them next time with more eye makeup I think.
Next is EOS Dolly Eye Grey. I had a very specific look in mind when I chose these, and I think I executed it quite well. These are definitely more for visual kei than gyaruo in my opinion, but I'll do some experimenting! I took some inspiration from a CURE magazine I have. I think I can work with these!

 Last and least favourite, the G&G Blossom Blue. I kind of just threw these on to go to the Casino one night, but they would fair better in a visual kei look. I definitely hate these so much, the right one slid behind my eye while I was driving! Very uncomfortable and the colour feels muddy on my eyes. Not a fan at all :( I didn't even get any good pics cause I hated them so much! lol 

 Alright that's all for today! I hope you got something out of my yapping. 

 See ya! 


  1. I loved the red ones!!
    I think the violets are my 2nd favourites as well <3


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